The main functional areas in the Nutrition Unit are:

  • Public Health Nutrition (Nutrition Monitoring and Surveillance; Policy and Programme intervention; Training; Information, Education and Communication)
  • Community Nutrition Service (Individual Clinical Nutrition Care, Group Intervention Programmes, Community-based Outreach)
  • Dietetic Service (Individual Medical Nutrition Therapy & Food Service Management)

National Public Health Nutrition Programme

National nutrition policies and programmmes are co-ordinated and monitored through the Nutrition Unit and several multi-sectoral national nutrition committees (e.g. National Food and Nutrition Security Council, National Infant and Young Child Nutrition Committee etc.).

National nutrition guidelines and standards are established and monitored. The nutritional status of selected population groups and other critical national nutrition indicators and targets are monitored.

Nutrition information, education and communication programmes are implemented through the print and electronic media and other channels.

Institutions, individuals and groups needing nutrition information or access to national nutrition programmes may contact or visit the Nutrition Unit's General Office during normal working hours.

Community Nutrition Service

Community-based nutrition intervention, education and skills training programmes are implemented based on needs assessment and requests from the community through established schools, churches, community groups/leaders and other community-based health and government workers.

Community-based clinical nutrition care is provided to clients registered at health centres/polyclinics on referral from the district medical officer, the nurse in charge or other health practitioners in the health district.

Institutions, individuals and groups needing community-based nutrition programmes can contact the Nutrition Unit's General office directly. Patients needing community-based nutrition service can request a nutrition referral from the district medical officer or the nurse in charge at the health centre in their area or  contact directly the Nutrition Unit's General office.

Institutional Dietetic Service

Hospital-based clinical nutrition care is provided to both in-patients and out-patients at the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital based on nutrition referrals from the attending physician for the first visit, and physician or charge nurse for repeat visits to nutrition out-patients.

In-patients, out-patients and other persons needing nutrition service at the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital can request a nutrition referral from the attending physician/medical officer or charge nurse; or directly contact the Dietetics Department or the Office of the Dietitian (MCMH).