Mission Statement

To protect, promote and maintain the health and well being of the population

Vision Statement

An improved quality of life for all Vincentians. Demonstrated knowledge and practice of  healthy living with a consequent reduction in health care costs.

Manpower Status

The Health Promotion Unit currently has its full quota of staff as stated in the estimates.  They are as follows:
Chief Health Educator (1), Health Educators (3), Family Life Educators (5), Graphic Artist (1), Family Life Educators (5), Assistant Graphic Artist (1) and Driver/Projectionist (1).

  • Use health promotion principles and strategies as the framework for development, implementation and evaluation of programmes.
  • Undertake research studies on current health issues to aid in the development of health plans and programmes carried out by the unit, through periodic surveys.
  • Building sectoral and extra-sectoral partnerships for health promotion
  • Provide and foster opportunities for continuing education for staff, with assistance from sub-sector in health and other agencies - local, regional and international.
  • To develop and implement curriculum based and in-service training programmes in health promotion for targeted groups and organizations
  • To use health promotion principles and strategies as the framework for the development, implementation and evaluation of programmes.
  • To develop and implement programmes aimed at improving the health of the population using various methods and channels.
  • To undertake research studies on current health issues to aid in the development of health plans and programmes
  • To build inter-sectoral partnerships for health promotion.
  • To strengthen the capacity to plan, implement and evaluate the health promotion programmes and projects through the provision of appropriate organizational frameworks, management systems and adequate human, technical and financial and other resources.

Health Promotion seeks to strengthen the capacity of individuals and communities to control, improve and maintain physical, mental social and spiritual well-being

The Health Promotion Unit is guided mainly by the strategies outlined in the Caribbean Charter for Health Promotion.  These strategies will ensure that the understanding, planning and implementation of the kind of health promotion that adheres to the overriding principle of equity in matters of health.  They include:

  1.  Formulating public policy

  2. Re-orienting the health service

  3. Empowering communities to achieve well-being

  4. Creating supportive environments

  5. Developing/increasing personal health skills

  6. Building alliance with the media