Manufacturers, exporters and importers of agrochemicals should comply with international transportation and safety regulations. They might also have to comply with national regulations. Agrochemical users should be aware that such regulations exist. They are also concerned with transport, which may be from suppliers to farm or from store to field. Safe transport should ensure that:
- only products in good-quality containers are accepted from the supplier; those which are damaged or leaking should be refused;
- Any vehicle transporting a product will not damage the container. Sharp edges on vehicle sides or nails which have worked upwards from floorboards should be hammered down or otherwise removed;
- A package or container is handled in a manner to avoid unnecessary collisions or violent falls. These may burst or weaken the container to cause spillage of its contents;
- any information provided with the agrochemicals such as labeling, accompanying information or data sheets is transported with it;
- random stacking is avoided during transport; for example, containers of liquid products should be transported top-side up and not be subjected to pressure by excessive loads which may cause them to burst;
- agrochemicals are isolated from other materials transported on the same vehicle;
- paper, cardboard or water-soluble packages are protected from rain or bad weather by a vehicle roof or waterproof covering;
- agrochemicals are not carried alongside the driver in either a vehicle or a tractor cab;
- Drivers take extra care. They should be competent to take suitable precautions in the event of a collision or other emergency. This may involve containing spillage wherever possible and avoiding contamination of anyone providing assistance.