The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Commerce wishes to update the general public that Cabinet on Friday, 6th March, 2020, has taken the following decisions in relation to COVID-19 pandemic.
- Cabinet granted approval for persons with a travel history which includes Iran to be quarantined for fourteen (14) days.
- Approval was granted to continue quarantine requirements for persons with a travel history that includes the following countries, for 14 days: China, South Korea and Italy.
- Approval was granted to discontinue quarantine requirements for persons travelling from the following countries: Singapore, Hong Kong and Japan.
- Approval was granted to implement active surveillance of persons with a travel history that includes countries with community transmission.
- Quarantine of non-residents will be at the cost of the traveler.
- Social distancing and limits on mass gatherings will be considered.
- Non-essential travel is not advised at this time.
Stay tuned for more updates on travel restrictions and screening procedures throughout Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
SOURCE: Agency For Public Information