Using the theme Our Health Is A Shared Responsibility!, members of staff of the Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment journeyed to Sandy Bay yesterday, Wednesday, 21st December, to give gifts of clothing, toys and toiletries to some families who were displaced following the passage of the most recent trough system, and also in the spirit of Christmas, as a part of the Ministry's efforts to contribute to the rebuilding process in that community.

It was also a visit which served to demonstrate the love which our nation's Health sector professionals have for the citizens of our blessed nation.

The staff noted the utter devastation and loss experienced by several families in the named community and stand in full solidarity with the Government and all citizens as huge efforts continue to be made to restore some semblance of normalcy to that rural community.

The Ministry is truly grateful for the support from the representative of the Ministry of National Mobilisation who joined the team on the visit and who was able to provide necessary guidance to specific families with respect to the re-entry of their children who had previously exited the secondary school system prematurely, and who also required further guidance on other general social issues.

The Ministry extends its gratitude and appreciation to the Principal of the Sandy Bay Secondary School, Brendon Child, the Head teacher of the Sandy Bay Primary School, Hepsie Roberts, and Teacher and Shelter Manager Graddie King for their role in facilitating the coordination of the distribution of the gifts to the families.