During the period of May 13th - May 16th, Joanna Grant (laboratory) and Sr. Julie(CNS) attended the Severe Acute Respiratory Infections network (SARINET) and the Network for the Evaluation of Vaccine Effective in Latin America and the Caribbean-Influenza (REVELAC-i) regional and sub-regional meeting held in Mexico City.

During that time, St. Vincent and the Grenadines was awarded for our progress made in relation to strengthening surveillance systems and responding to epidemics and pandemics of respiratory viruses including SARS-COV-2.

This marks another notable achievement in our continued fight against epidemics and pandemics of respiratory viruses and we will like to formally acknowledge the work of all of our health professionals who put their best efforts into helping our nation at large on a daily basis.

SOURCE: Ministry of Health Wellness and the Environment